Preparation of panels. Apply the polish to two clean silver panels as specified in the above procedure.
Procedure. Measure the gloss of the two polished panels and record. Place the panels in a desiccator in the presence of ammonium sulfide vapor for one hour. The ammonium sulfide shall be present as a water solution consisting og 100 ml of distilled water and 1 ml og a 1 percent solution of ammonium sulfide. Remove the panels at the end of the test, rinse in distilled water, blot dry, and read the specular gloss of the two panels.
Tarnish resistance, percent = gloss of exposed panel x 100
gloss of clean, polished panel
The issue of ASTM test methods in effect on the date of the solution shall be used to determine compliance with these requirements.
Certification. The contractor shall certify that the product offered meets the salient characteristics of this description, and that the product conforms to the producers own drawings, specifications, standards and quality assurance practices, and is the same product offered for sale in the commercial marketplace. The Government reserves the right to require proof of such conformance prior ro first delivery and thereafter as may be otherwise provided for under the provisions of the contract.
Packaging, packing, and marking. Packaging, packing, and marking shall be as specified in the contract or order.
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